[funini.com] -> [kei@sodan] -> Kernel Reading


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 * INET         An implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite for the LINUX
 *              operating system.  INET is implemented using the  BSD Socket
 *              interface as the means of communication with the user level.
 *              Global definitions for the Frame relay interface.
 * Version:     @(#)if_ifrad.h  0.20    13 Apr 96
 * Author:      Mike McLagan <mike.mclagan@linux.org>
 * Changes:
 *              0.15    Mike McLagan    Structure packing
 *              0.20    Mike McLagan    New flags for S508 buffer handling
 *              This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *              modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *              as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
 *              2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#ifndef SDLA_H
#define SDLA_H

/* adapter type */
#define SDLA_TYPES
#define SDLA_S502A                      5020
#define SDLA_S502E                      5021
#define SDLA_S503                       5030
#define SDLA_S507                       5070
#define SDLA_S508                       5080
#define SDLA_S509                       5090
#define SDLA_UNKNOWN                    -1

/* port selection flags for the S508 */
#define SDLA_S508_PORT_V35              0x00
#define SDLA_S508_PORT_RS232            0x02

/* Z80 CPU speeds */
#define SDLA_CPU_3M                     0x00
#define SDLA_CPU_5M                     0x01
#define SDLA_CPU_7M                     0x02
#define SDLA_CPU_8M                     0x03
#define SDLA_CPU_10M                    0x04
#define SDLA_CPU_16M                    0x05
#define SDLA_CPU_12M                    0x06

/* some private IOCTLs */
#define SDLA_IDENTIFY                   (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 1)
#define SDLA_CPUSPEED                   (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 2)
#define SDLA_PROTOCOL                   (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 3)

#define SDLA_CLEARMEM                   (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 4)
#define SDLA_WRITEMEM                   (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 5)
#define SDLA_READMEM                    (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 6)

struct sdla_mem {
   int  addr;
   int  len;
   void __user *data;

#define SDLA_START                      (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 7)
#define SDLA_STOP                       (FRAD_LAST_IOCTL + 8)

/* some offsets in the Z80's memory space */
#define SDLA_NMIADDR                    0x0000
#define SDLA_CONF_ADDR                  0x0010
#define SDLA_S502A_NMIADDR              0x0066
#define SDLA_CODE_BASEADDR              0x0100
#define SDLA_WINDOW_SIZE                0x2000
#define SDLA_ADDR_MASK                  0x1FFF

/* largest handleable block of data */
#define SDLA_MAX_DATA                   4080
#define SDLA_MAX_MTU                    4072    /* MAX_DATA - sizeof(fradhdr) */
#define SDLA_MAX_DLCI                   24

/* this should be the same as frad_conf */
struct sdla_conf {
   short station;
   short config;
   short kbaud;
   short clocking;
   short max_frm;
   short T391;
   short T392;
   short N391;
   short N392;
   short N393;
   short CIR_fwd;
   short Bc_fwd;
   short Be_fwd;
   short CIR_bwd;
   short Bc_bwd;
   short Be_bwd;

/* this should be the same as dlci_conf */
struct sdla_dlci_conf {
   short config;
   short CIR_fwd;
   short Bc_fwd;
   short Be_fwd;
   short CIR_bwd;
   short Bc_bwd;
   short Be_bwd; 
   short Tc_fwd;
   short Tc_bwd;
   short Tf_max;
   short Tb_max;

#ifndef __KERNEL__

void sdla(void *cfg_info, char *dev, struct frad_conf *conf, int quiet);


/* important Z80 window addresses */
#define SDLA_CONTROL_WND                0xE000

#define SDLA_502_CMD_BUF                0xEF60
#define SDLA_502_RCV_BUF                0xA900
#define SDLA_502_TXN_AVAIL              0xFFF1
#define SDLA_502_RCV_AVAIL              0xFFF2
#define SDLA_502_EVENT_FLAGS            0xFFF3
#define SDLA_502_MDM_STATUS             0xFFF4
#define SDLA_502_IRQ_INTERFACE          0xFFFD
#define SDLA_502_IRQ_PERMISSION         0xFFFE
#define SDLA_502_DATA_OFS               0x0010

#define SDLA_508_CMD_BUF                0xE000
#define SDLA_508_TXBUF_INFO             0xF100
#define SDLA_508_RXBUF_INFO             0xF120
#define SDLA_508_EVENT_FLAGS            0xF003
#define SDLA_508_MDM_STATUS             0xF004
#define SDLA_508_IRQ_INTERFACE          0xF010
#define SDLA_508_IRQ_PERMISSION         0xF011
#define SDLA_508_TSE_OFFSET             0xF012

/* Event flags */
#define SDLA_EVENT_STATUS               0x01
#define SDLA_EVENT_DLCI_STATUS          0x02
#define SDLA_EVENT_BAD_DLCI             0x04
#define SDLA_EVENT_LINK_DOWN            0x40

/* IRQ Trigger flags */
#define SDLA_INTR_RX                    0x01
#define SDLA_INTR_TX                    0x02
#define SDLA_INTR_MODEM                 0x04
#define SDLA_INTR_COMPLETE              0x08
#define SDLA_INTR_STATUS                0x10
#define SDLA_INTR_TIMER                 0x20

/* DLCI status bits */
#define SDLA_DLCI_DELETED               0x01
#define SDLA_DLCI_ACTIVE                0x02
#define SDLA_DLCI_WAITING               0x04
#define SDLA_DLCI_NEW                   0x08
#define SDLA_DLCI_INCLUDED              0x40

/* valid command codes */
#define SDLA_INFORMATION_WRITE          0x01
#define SDLA_INFORMATION_READ           0x02
#define SDLA_READ_DLC_STATUS            0x14
#define SDLA_READ_DLC_STATISTICS        0x15
#define SDLA_FLUSH_DLC_STATISTICS       0x16
#define SDLA_LIST_ACTIVE_DLCI           0x17
#define SDLA_ADD_DLCI                   0x20
#define SDLA_DELETE_DLCI                0x21
#define SDLA_ACTIVATE_DLCI              0x22
#define SDLA_DEACTIVATE_DLCI            0x23
#define SDLA_READ_MODEM_STATUS          0x30
#define SDLA_SET_MODEM_STATUS           0x31
#define SDLA_READ_COMMS_ERR_STATS       0x32
#define SDLA_FLUSH_COMMS_ERR_STATS      0x33
#define SDLA_READ_CODE_VERSION          0x40
#define SDLA_SET_IRQ_TRIGGER            0x50
#define SDLA_GET_IRQ_TRIGGER            0x51

/* In channel signal types */
#define SDLA_ICS_LINK_VERIFY            0x02
#define SDLA_ICS_STATUS_ENQ             0x03

/* modem status flags */
#define SDLA_MODEM_DTR_HIGH             0x01
#define SDLA_MODEM_RTS_HIGH             0x02
#define SDLA_MODEM_DCD_HIGH             0x08
#define SDLA_MODEM_CTS_HIGH             0x20

/* used for RET_MODEM interpretation */
#define SDLA_MODEM_DCD_LOW              0x01
#define SDLA_MODEM_CTS_LOW              0x02

/* return codes */
#define SDLA_RET_OK                     0x00
#define SDLA_RET_COMMUNICATIONS         0x01
#define SDLA_RET_CHANNEL_INACTIVE       0x02
#define SDLA_RET_DLCI_INACTIVE          0x03
#define SDLA_RET_DLCI_CONFIG            0x04
#define SDLA_RET_BUF_TOO_BIG            0x05
#define SDLA_RET_NO_DATA                0x05
#define SDLA_RET_BUF_OVERSIZE           0x06
#define SDLA_RET_CIR_OVERFLOW           0x07
#define SDLA_RET_NO_BUFS                0x08
#define SDLA_RET_TIMEOUT                0x0A
#define SDLA_RET_MODEM                  0x10
#define SDLA_RET_CHANNEL_OFF            0x11
#define SDLA_RET_CHANNEL_ON             0x12
#define SDLA_RET_DLCI_STATUS            0x13
#define SDLA_RET_DLCI_UNKNOWN           0x14
#define SDLA_RET_COMMAND_INVALID        0x1F

/* Configuration flags */
#define SDLA_DIRECT_RECV                0x0080
#define SDLA_TX_NO_EXCEPT               0x0020
#define SDLA_NO_ICF_MSGS                0x1000
#define SDLA_TX50_RX50                  0x0000
#define SDLA_TX70_RX30                  0x2000
#define SDLA_TX30_RX70                  0x4000

/* IRQ selection flags */
#define SDLA_IRQ_RECEIVE                0x01
#define SDLA_IRQ_TRANSMIT               0x02
#define SDLA_IRQ_MODEM_STAT             0x04
#define SDLA_IRQ_COMMAND                0x08
#define SDLA_IRQ_CHANNEL                0x10
#define SDLA_IRQ_TIMER                  0x20

/* definitions for PC memory mapping */
#define SDLA_8K_WINDOW                  0x01
#define SDLA_S502_SEG_A                 0x10
#define SDLA_S502_SEG_C                 0x20
#define SDLA_S502_SEG_D                 0x00
#define SDLA_S502_SEG_E                 0x30
#define SDLA_S507_SEG_A                 0x00
#define SDLA_S507_SEG_B                 0x40
#define SDLA_S507_SEG_C                 0x80
#define SDLA_S507_SEG_E                 0xC0
#define SDLA_S508_SEG_A                 0x00
#define SDLA_S508_SEG_C                 0x10
#define SDLA_S508_SEG_D                 0x08
#define SDLA_S508_SEG_E                 0x18

/* SDLA adapter port constants */
#define SDLA_IO_EXTENTS                 0x04
#define SDLA_REG_CONTROL                0x00
#define SDLA_REG_PC_WINDOW              0x01    /* offset for PC window select latch */
#define SDLA_REG_Z80_WINDOW             0x02    /* offset for Z80 window select latch */
#define SDLA_REG_Z80_CONTROL            0x03    /* offset for Z80 control latch */
#define SDLA_S502_STS                   0x00    /* status reg for 502, 502E, 507 */
#define SDLA_S508_GNRL                  0x00    /* general purp. reg for 508 */
#define SDLA_S508_STS                   0x01    /* status reg for 508 */
#define SDLA_S508_IDR                   0x02    /* ID reg for 508 */
/* control register flags */
#define SDLA_S502A_START                0x00    /* start the CPU */
#define SDLA_S502A_INTREQ               0x02
#define SDLA_S502A_INTEN                0x04
#define SDLA_S502A_HALT                 0x08    /* halt the CPU */      
#define SDLA_S502A_NMI                  0x10    /* issue an NMI to the CPU */

#define SDLA_S502E_CPUEN                0x01
#define SDLA_S502E_ENABLE               0x02
#define SDLA_S502E_INTACK               0x04
#define SDLA_S507_ENABLE                0x01
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ3                  0x00
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ4                  0x20
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ5                  0x40
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ7                  0x60
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ10                 0x80
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ11                 0xA0
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ12                 0xC0
#define SDLA_S507_IRQ15                 0xE0
#define SDLA_HALT                       0x00
#define SDLA_CPUEN                      0x02
#define SDLA_MEMEN                      0x04
#define SDLA_S507_EPROMWR               0x08
#define SDLA_S507_EPROMCLK              0x10
#define SDLA_S508_INTRQ                 0x08
#define SDLA_S508_INTEN                 0x10

struct sdla_cmd {
   char  opp_flag;
   char  cmd;
   short length;
   char  retval;
   short dlci;
   char  flags;
   short rxlost_int;
   long  rxlost_app;
   char  reserve[2];
   char  data[SDLA_MAX_DATA];   /* transfer data buffer */
} __attribute__((packed));

struct intr_info {
   char  flags;
   short txlen;
   char  irq;
   char  flags2;
   short timeout;
} __attribute__((packed));

/* found in the 508's control window at RXBUF_INFO */
struct buf_info {
   unsigned short rse_num;
   unsigned long  rse_base;
   unsigned long  rse_next;
   unsigned long  buf_base;
   unsigned short reserved;
   unsigned long  buf_top;
} __attribute__((packed));

/* structure pointed to by rse_base in RXBUF_INFO struct */
struct buf_entry {
   char  opp_flag;
   short length;
   short dlci;
   char  flags;
   short timestamp;
   short reserved[2];
   long  buf_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));



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[funini.com] -> [kei@sodan] -> Kernel Reading