N_                 40 scripts/kconfig/conf.c static char nohelp_text[] = N_("Sorry, no help available for this option yet.\n");
N_                 25 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c static const char mconf_readme[] = N_(
N_                177 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c menu_instructions[] = N_(
N_                184 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c radiolist_instructions[] = N_(
N_                189 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c inputbox_instructions_int[] = N_(
N_                193 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c inputbox_instructions_hex[] = N_(
N_                196 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c inputbox_instructions_string[] = N_(
N_                199 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c setmod_text[] = N_(
N_                202 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c nohelp_text[] = N_(
N_                204 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c load_config_text[] = N_(
N_                208 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c load_config_help[] = N_(
N_                219 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c save_config_text[] = N_(
N_                222 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c save_config_help[] = N_(
N_                233 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c search_help[] = N_(
N_                885 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c 		fprintf(stderr, N_("Your display is too small to run Menuconfig!\n"));
N_                886 scripts/kconfig/mconf.c 		fprintf(stderr, N_("It must be at least 19 lines by 80 columns.\n"));