
Tokaido Shinkansen is the most famous railway in Japan. Every train is painted in blue and white. Class 300 (1990-) is the first Shinkansen train run in 270km/h with aluminum body and inverter motor drive. Class 700 (1999-) has diminished libration and noise, offering comfortable ride. To shorten the arrival time, new model N700 has improved in its acceleration power. Its design looks odd, but it is the result of long consideration based on aerodynamic simurations. New series are developed in every 7 or 8 years, and stocks is withdrawn after running 15 years. Another charactristics are that all the stocks are very homoginized. Their outfit is white and blue, and seats per cars are the same.JR東海は積極的に新車の投入を進めています。主力の300系・700系も時速270キロ運転が可能ですが、最新のN700系は加速性能に優れており、東京・新大阪間を約10分短く走行することができます。新形式は 7,8 年おきに投入されていて、車両は約 15 年で世代交代を迎えます。








